A Christian Book Press Release - Author Steve Goodwin, Elijah Hael & The Last Judgement

Christian Author releases ...
For Immediate Release
A Christian Author Press Release
Steve Goodwin, Elijah Hael & The Last Judgement
November 28, 2012
A must read novel ...

October 4, 2012- Just released by Christian author, Steve Goodwin, Elijah Hael & The Last Judgement considers issues that pertain to eternity, salvation and the spiritual realm.  Elijah was a man like many others; there were childhood traumas and dreams that led him on a path to becoming "comfortably numb" with the circumstances that life offered.  Feeling empty and having a lack of peace, Elijah discovers that God was always there, even when he turned away.  Discover the truth and reality of salvation, forgiveness and life with happiness and joy that is not derived from worldly possessions.  There is an inner peace that can only be found through Jesus Christ, as the author presents Elijah to the reader.  Discover why, "I was a good person," is an excuse that many will use at the Last Judgment.  Challenging and provocative, this book offers the readers to come up higher in a most amazing way.

Author Steve Goodwin writes with conviction and creativity.  He is a computer programmer and videogame producer who understands that a good plot must have a "good story."  His compelling writing-style focuses on foundational Christian values such as: faith, salvation, forgiveness, trust, love, relationships and the Bible.  Offering a new adventurous twist, the author has labored with this novel as an endeavor to reveal to others that there is peace, love and forgiveness to be found through Jesus Christ.  

Refreshing and inspiring, this novel offers a fun, high-paced adventurous read that will leave the reader wanting to know what happens next.  Well-written and highly engaging, this book is a must for those that consider happenstance just as a coincidence of life-perhaps there is much more to life that we cannot see…this challenges the reader to consider the reality of eternity, salvation and the spiritual realm.  A highly entertaining read that would make a wonderful gift to those that are looking for something more in life-they might find life and truth in Jesus Christ through this amazing novel.

·                                  Publisher: Software Development Pty Ltd (October 4, 2012)
·                                 Language: English
·                                 ISBN-10: 0987378406
·                                 ISBN-13: 978-0987378408

You may contact Steve Goodwin by email at stevegoodwin@hotmail.com . For further information about the author and the book, be sure to visit http://www.ElijahHael.com

~ Get your copy of Elijah Hael & The Last Judgement at Amazon

A Christian Book Marketing Press Release

Right, Wrong, Making Decisions - Coached by God – The Power of Wisdom by Christian author and life coach, Denise Milianta

The Power of Wisom ...
Coached by God – The Power of Wisdom by Christian author and life coach, Denise Milianta, offers godly wisdom and principles based on scripture in this new book.  Encouraging and inspiring, the author reveals sound biblical perspective to all of life's circumstances and decisions. 

Learn to apply biblical wisdom in all areas of your life that include obedience unto God, financial decisions and wisdom to restore broken relationships.  Unlock your life's potential and discover that you were made for a unique purpose in life where there is life and joy.  Enter into a new season spiritually and emotionally through the pages of this book; one that is overflowing with a new life and hope that is found in Jesus Christ; discover that, "All things are possible with God." 

Revealing God's way and how to make the right choice, versus the wrong choice, all in obedience to God and His Word, one will find hope and newness through this spiritual handbook, as it reveals one woman's true-life story of heartbreak that led to an amazing journey of intimacy with God.  If you have experienced the pain of divorce, loss and financial destruction in your life to include the loss of meaningful relationships and long for recovery and restoration, this book is recommend for you.  This book will give you the knowledge and wisdom to discover your true purpose in God, while helping you to dig deep to discover the healing, help and comfort of the Holy Spirit. 

Inspiring and uplifting, this book will give you the tools to a new life in Christ filled with purpose, joy and hope through discovering the power of wisdom.  Transform your heart and mind and walk in a new experience with God and others.  Let this season begin and end with hope; a highly recommended read for all that desire restoration and transformation in their lives.

You may contact the author at her website: www.denisemilianta.com or contact her by email at: Denise@DeniseMilianta.com.  You can find her books on Denise Milianta's Amazon page and other fine online bookstores.  She is available for life coaching and speaking engagements in her immediate area, please contact her website for more details.

Christian Book Marketing Author's Article Blast sharing Christian authors with the world.

Systematically tracing the footprints of God, as noted in the title, Judy Azar LeBlanc focuses the reader on who God is by revealing His character and design for humanity since the beginning of time

I AM THAT I AM – Tracing the Footprints of God by Christian author Judy Azar LeBlanc is a must read and one of those books everyone should have in their collection. The author has presented a comprehensive book that gives a full spectrum overview of the eight covenants given to humanity by God, which includes an in-depth discussion and analysis of the full parabolic, healing, and divine ministry of Jesus Christ.  Systematically tracing the "footprints of God," as noted in the title, Judy Azar LeBlanc focuses the reader on who God is by revealing His character and design for humanity since the beginning of time.  With extensive research, the author includes maps, illustrations of famous archeological sites, over seventy-five commentaries from well renowned biblical scholars, and a complete list of over fifty names and meanings of God - this book covers it all.  This well written and theologically sound book will give the reader a deeper understanding of the love God has for humanity and who the great I AM THAT I AM is since the beginning of time.  A wonderful, highly recommended read. 

Judy Azar LeBlanc is a multi-award winning author teacher and lifelong student of the Bible.  Her literary titles include Theology 101 in Bite Size Pieces – A Bird's Eye View of the Riches of Divine Grace, Many Faces to Many Places, Things My Father Never Taught Me, The Compromise,  and The Unveiling.

For more information about the book I AM THAT I AM, author Judy Azar LeBlanc and her ministry visit the author's website at www.manyfacestomanyplaces.com.  You may also get your copy of I AM THAT I AM at Amazon and at other fine online bookstores. If your local bookstore doesn't have a copy in stock, be sure to request one. Be sure to view other book releases by Judy Azar LeBlanc.

Christian Book Marketing Author Article Blasts sharing the writings of Christian authors with the world.

Filled with Scripture - Christ’s Humanity-A Thing to be Grasped by author Thomas G. Thompson

Christ's Humanity-A Thing to be Grasped by author Thomas G. Thompson, published by Son Publishing is a revealing book that step-by-step takes a look at the person of Jesus Christ.  Divine by nature, Christ, as the Son of God is fully God, but chose to come fully human to save the world from their sins.  The author quotes this quote as the central theme, "He did not think existing in the form of and being equal to God as something to be grasped, but emptied himself taking the form of a slave."  The work of the Cross is brought to the forefront as this book brings a deeper understanding of Christ's humanity and divinity. 

Filled with Scripture, the author systematically discusses the life, incarnation, humiliation, exaltation and ascension of the Lord Jesus Christ, not by his opinion, but according to Scripture.  This book reveals that Christ was God, but also lowered himself to become a man, making all that He experienced and suffered for our sake even more monumental, therefore challenging the reader to grasp the full weight of what Christ has done for humanity.  This scriptural and fascinating read is for those that desire to know Christ more intimately, which must be appreciated, grasped and understood for salvation's sake. 

Written by the author as an encouraging and uplifting book for all those within the Body of Christ who love and serve the Lord, and who eagerly await His triumphant return, this book will change one's view and even perhaps impact those agnostics that don't believe in Christ.  May you be blessed and strengthened in your faith as you come to know Christ more intimately through this important teaching on Christ.

Christ's Humanity-A Thing to be Grasped
Product Details
Paperback: 160 pages
Publisher: SON Publishing
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0985140305
~ ISBN-13: 978-0985140304

For more information about author Thomas G. Thompson and the book Christ's Humanity-A Thing to be Grasped, visit Christ's Humanity . You may also get your copy of the book Christ's Humanity-A Thing to be Grasped on Amazon and at other fine online bookstores.

A Christian Book Marketing Authors Article Blast sharing Christ with the world.

Last Call from Multi-Published Author Danny Clifford

Last Call … is an inspirational and motivational non-fiction book for disciple-ship that answers all the difficult questions people have today about Christianity. The book's theme is how to become a disciple of Jesus, the Spiritual Inspired Word. It is simple and powerful focusing on the "New Will of God" and the blood doctrine of Jesus.

Last Call … Reveals the mystery of Calvary to you as never before, and you'll realize that Jesus really is your "High Priest", and you and you alone are responsible for your relationship with God.

Last Call … will shake the foundation of today's Church and expose the nakedness of the many persuasive and eloquent preachers who love to teach us their message of prosperity, from a Covenant that is obsolete. This popular false doctrine being taught today tickles the ears of many and changes the focus of our eyes and our hearts from the Kingdom and God, to desiring worldly treasures. It gives us a new disease called Worldly Possession Syndrome, and it's highly contagious to those who don't spend time mediating and studying God's Word.

· Paperback: 234 pages
· Publisher: Danny and Michelle Clifford (July 19, 2012)
· Language: English
· ISBN-10: 0615667120
· ISBN-13: 978-0615667126

Danny Clifford is a multi-published author. From his service as a Vietnam Veteran, comes his first book-Behind Enemy Lines, a powerful true-life story of his survival as a soldier caught in war torn Vietnam. He inspires readers with the secret weapon that he found as he explains his journeys from a solider in the United States Army to a soldier in the Kingdom of God.

Now Danny releases Last Call. A must read book.

Find out more about Danny, his books and his ministry at The Spiritual Inspired Word where you will be abundantly blessed.

Edward F Mrkvicka Jr., Author of No Innocent Affair

Christian Author and lay minister Edward F Mrkvicka Jr. with co-author Kelly Helen Mrkvicka have written, No Innocent Affair, a book that addresses the sin of adultery in our modern day society. While many often ignore this sin, No Innocent Affair addresses the issue while providing hope and guidance, through the forgiveness of sins that are found in Jesus Christ.

Stating the truth in love, No Innocent Affair is written with compassion and mercy. The author is concerned that this 21st century plague has become such an epidemic, therefore, compelling the writing of this book so that help and guidance can be offered to the many that are being led to the slaughter in droves by the sin of adultery and some without their knowledge.

As the author reiterates over and over, there is hope. There is a way out. There is truth and life to be found, but only in Jesus Christ. For there is one hope, and that one hope is the forgiveness of sins through Jesus Christ.

This is a wonderful truth that God's grace and mercy by far out weighs judgment for those whom turn to Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of sins. It is the author's hopes that many an eye would be opened and likewise that many will come to salvation through repentance and step into the light of the Lord, versus walking in darkness. This book offers no excuses, nor apologies, but gives the truth of the Word of God.

No Innocent Affair

· Perfect Paperback: 200 pages
· Publisher: Tate Publishing (September 20, 2011)
· Language: English
· ISBN-10: 1617777684
· ISBN-13: 978-1617777684

Other books released by Edward F. Mrkvicka Jr. include - Be Not Deceived and The Prayer Promise of Christ. You may also find No Innocent Affair on Amazon.

For the Christian Author, Christian Book Marketing Author's Article Blast, taking it to the nations.

Christian Press Release Author Henry Miranda

For Immediate Release

A Christian Book Marketing Author Press Release
August 1, 2012

Author Henry Miranda, Multi Published Author

Multi-published author, Bible teacher, writer and evangelist, Henry Miranda, is the author of five life-changing books. Holding a Bachelor's Degree in Christian Ministry, all of Henry's books preach the Gospel in word and in deed. He encourages all to come to salvation in Jesus Christ. Henry is an evangelist at heart. His desire is that many would come to the saving grace and knowledge of Jesus Christ. For him, writing is a passion, but more importantly, He is doing the will of the Father and writes to those whose souls may be lost-for that is the Lord's passion, as it is his.

His amazing books include, Fellowship with God-Bright Lights on the Path Leading to Jesus, You've Been Warned, Eternal Life, Beware the Winds of Doctrine, and The Path to Eternal Life.

Fellowship with God-Bright Lights on the Path Leading to Jesus-was written to help others in their walk with Christ and to help them enjoy His many blessings. Take the road less traveled. Even though it may be difficult at times, the path leads to eternal life. It's worth it!

You've Been Warned-reveals one of the many tools of Satan-deception. The author warns readers that the only way to safeguard against deception is to become mature in Christ. This book will help those that are struggling with their faith or even doubting God. Henry Miranda reveals the Scriptures in laymen's terms, revealing for many, what true faith is.

Eternal Life-addresses the controversial issue of life after death. According to the Word of God, the author exhorts the reader to come to choose the path of life that leads to eternal life with our creator.

Beware the Winds of Doctrine-encourages all Christians to know God's Word, as Christ commands all Christians to know the Word and warns to guard against deception by knowing what the Bible says. Uplifting and encouraging, this book takes an honest look at what doctrine is-the study of the Word of God, therefore, exposing false doctrine. In the last days the Bible warns that many will be deceived. Author Henry Miranda exhorts believers to know their Bible and to not depend on what they hear, but what they "know" according to the Word of God.

The Path to Eternal Life-gives aid and illumination to all those that are seeking God or are new Christians. Providing biblical answers, this book is an excellent read for the new Christian who has questions. The book answers who the Holy Spirit is and how we accept the free gift of salvation. Many will find comfort, purpose and salvation through this sound, biblically based and easy to read book.

For further information about the author and his books, visit Henry Miranda's author site. You may also find Henry Miranda's books on Amazon.

For more information on author Henry Miranda or his books visit Henry P. Miranda. You may also find his books at Henry Miranda's Amazon Page

The power of Christian Book Marketing Author Press Releases


Christianity and Islam - Press Release, Two Messiahs by Author Jeff Morton

Two Messiahs by Author Jeff Morton addresses the controversial issue of Christianity and Islam head on and in a season in the world that calls for it. Join these two Messiahs from two world religions as they engage in a friendly conversation down the winding ancient path from Emmanus to Jerusalem.

One of the Two Messiahs is Jesus, the other is Isa, the Prophet of Islam. One is the true Messiah, the Son of God, divine in nature, the other, a man and servant of his god. This makes for some very interesting dialogue. The reader will be intrigued to discover their identities according to each religion (Christianity and Islam), but more importantly the significant differences which can be life changing.

Written by Biola University Professor and author, Jeff Morton reflects and reveals the truth about who Jesus the Messiah is. Two world religions cross paths as the author desires to minister to Muslims and Christians alike in this very different and unique way.

The author has woven together a wonderful story that teaches Christians about Islam and reveals to Muslims why Jesus of Nazareth is the true Son of God sent to bring salvation to the world. The author shines light on the darkness, confusions and lack of both knowledge and understanding for the reader. This book is very relevant for today with world tensions rising in the middle east.

Author Jeff Morton is a Professor of Intercultural Studies at Biola University and has been ministering to Muslims since 1984. He has ministered in many countries to include West Africa, the U.S. and many other nations. He and his wife Debbie now live in Southern California near one of the largest mosques and Muslim communities on the West Coast. His background is one of extensive research in apologetics, theology and he is particularly interested in presenting the Gospel to those of Islamic backgrounds. He is a member of SIM and i2 Ministries as well. He has trained many missionaries and university students abroad to include Brazil, Thailand, Pakistan and the U.S.

Two Messiahs is available on Amazon

Contact info:

Website for book:


Two Messiahs
(2011 IVP; also available as ebook): Discover the similarities and differences between the Jesus of the Bible and the Jesus of the Qur'an as they meet on the Emmaus road.

A Christian Book Marketing Author's Press Release


The Reality of War Behind Enemy Lines

Behind Enemy Lines: Saved by a Secret Weapon.

Within these pages lies an exciting and intriguing story of Danny Clifford’s training, experiences, and relationships, as a United States Army Staff Sergeant with the 75th Rangers in Vietnam during 1969 and 1970 performing reconnaissance missions Behind Enemy Lines.

From stories of physical warfare to those of spiritual warfare, the author candidly shares with readers what it takes to survive as a Christian soldier serving in the kingdom of God, and how to avoid becoming a casualty of the evil one. At the end of the book, readers will come face to face with the secret weapon and the Medal of Honor winner, Jesus.

“The sole purpose of this book is for everyone who reads this book to develop a closer relationship with God and receive an anointing to tell others about Jesus.” The author says “It is easily understood and has revelations for all genders, ages, and walks of life.

”The most rewarding thing he has ever witnessed, he says, is another person accepting Jesus, and seeing their smile and eyes after Jesus has removed their burden. This recently happened at the youth prison in South Portland, Maine in a weekly Bible meeting. “A young man of 17 gave his life to Christ after he read the manuscript of the book. The sole purpose of this book is you and your relationship with God.

Find out more about Behind Enemy Lines and other books by Danny Clifford at Spiritual Inspired Word or Heart And Soul Ministries.

Christian Book Marketing Video Productions

Press Release Date; July 10th, 2012 - Christian Author Releases New Sci-Fi Fiction Thriller Novel

For Immediate Release
A Christian Book Marketing Press Release
Release Date; July 10th, 2012

Christian author, Jim Armstrong, releases his first sci-fi fiction thriller novel.

What if predictions based on the Mayan calendar are wrong, and the world continues on its current path after December 2012? This is the question posed by the author as he unveils the world in the year 2016; a world characterized by unbridled violence. Riots and murder are the norms for human interaction and martial law is the norm for American society.

Governments struggle to maintain green zones of security, but government offers no more hope for the near future than in the present day. The author presents a story whose thesis is that true hope comes through faith, and this hope begins with a French doctor in the year 1894. The doctor has the unique gift - or perhaps curse - to intermittently live another life in a different time. Is it time travel, teleportation, or simply mental delusion? The doctor does not know and eventually he does not care as the desire for this alternate life becomes overwhelming.

Over the shifting sands of time, his experience eventually influences the lives of four individuals who become actors in a grand design that reaches its climax on the fateful New Year's Eve of Dec. 31, 2016. An act of Divine inspiration in one person's life sparks a series of events destined to transform the entire planet.

Each page is filled with intrigue as the author explores the inner being of each character in great depth. Filled with unexpected twists and turns, the surprise ending is not revealed until the final paragraphs of the Epilogue. This story is highly recommended for a long trip or a weekend read.

Jim Armstrong is a native Texan who spent most of his life in Dallas. He enjoys writing futuristic thrillers that inspire readers with Biblical lessons presented in a fictional setting. His hope is to encourage readers that anything is possible through faith in God, regardless of our current life situation.

For further information about the author visit Author Jim Armstrong's website. You may also get your copy of The Day the World Retreated on Amazon and other find online bookstores.

A Christian Book Marketing Author Press Release


The Holy Spirit and the Miraculous - Holy Spirit Hover Over Me

Holy Spirit, Hover Over Me, written by Rev. Joshua Doshick Joe, is the personal testimony of the author being healed of seven different chronic diseases from which he suffered for more than 30 years and the miraculous healings through the power of the Holy Spirit. His wife was also miraculously healed by infirmities and afflictions from which the medical doctors could find no cause according to the author. Faith will increase as the readers see that through prayer and the power of the Holy Spirit, "Nothing is impossible with God." Reading this book, "Holy Spirit, Hover Over Me" will certainly change your life and your perspective.

Giving all the glory to God, the author has penned his book as a prayer journal of the author's time in prayer and words received from the Holy Spirit. The author has recorded the teachings from the Holy Spirit in hopes that others will learn from them and come into the full knowledge of the Trinity. The author was led on a long journey for many years, reading the Bible from very early in the morning to late at night, as the Holy Spirit taught him according to the Scriptures. As the author testifies to many times, the Holy Spirit gave all the teachings and scripture that are recorded in this book. Not only will readers be inspired by the miraculous testimony, but they will also acquire a deeper knowledge of the Bible and the workings and ministry of the Holy Spirit.

Author and Missionary Chairman of The Whole Race Gospel and Missionary Service, Rev. Joshua Doshick Joe ministers to the multitudes through many miraculous healings through the power of the Holy Spirit. A changed man, his life service is to the Lord Jesus Christ.

Having previously read and written a book review on the author's book, Holy Spirit, Hover Over Me we encourge you to visit the author's website for further information. The book Holy Spirit, Hover Over Me is also available on Amazon where you can get your copy.

A Christian Book Marketing Authors Article Blast

Out On A Limb by Author Larry Adams Is a Book about Faith and What It Takes to Walk in Faith

Out On A Limb by Author Larry Adams

Paperback: 24 pages
Publisher: Larry Adams (April 19, 2012)
ISBN-10: 0985346019
ISBN-13: 978-0985346010

Out On A Limb is a book about faith and what it takes to walk in faith. Faith is powerful when put into motion. It can move mountains, feed the multitudes, raise the dead, give sight to the blind, heal the sick and set the captives free. The Bible is filled with faith and faith-filled scriptures that give us a glimpse into the Christian faith and the power of faith in action.

Just imagine if we all as Christian's come to the knowledge, the understanding of the faith that Jesus called the Apostles to walk in. Symbolically, could we walk on water as Jesus did, could we overcome giants as David did, could we be that very light that shines in the world as we are called to be? The possibilities are endless.

In Larry's book Out On A Limb, What does it take to walk by faith, you will be encouraged, blessed, refreshed and your faith will be increased. To walk by faith is a learning process, however, once put into motion, that learning process becomes life- changing.

Out On A Limb by Larry Adams is available on Amazon and at Barnes and Noble. Get your copy today and learn how you too can put faith into action and overcome the situations of life that are before you.

Spreading the Word through Christian Book Marketing

A Christian Author Article Blast - A Love Story, How God Pursed Me and Found Me, An Impossibly True Story

Title: A Love Story
How God Pursed Me and Found Me-An Impossibly True Story
By: Samantha Ryan Chandler
ISBN # 978-1-6150-7758-8 (sc)
978-1-6150-7761-8 (dj)
Review Date: June 3, 2012
Reviewed by CBM Christian Book Marketing
10.0 stars on a scale of 10.0 stars

"A Love Story-How God Pursed Me and Found Me-An Impossibly True Story" by Samantha Ryan Chandler is an inspiring life memoir and an account of the tribulation known as divorce that forever changed the author's life and the lives of her children. Samantha Ryan Chandler gives a heart-wrenching account of an evil plan perpetrated by her husband to rob her of everything, their homes, money, and stability to include her three precious daughters. The author writes with purpose, giving the reader many life lessons that she learned throughout all her trials. Most importantly, she learned that God can rescue, is might to save and He can RESTORE that which was lost.

God speaks in many ways as the author notes and the supernatural does occur as the author gives accounts of visitations by angels on three different occasions. The book is uplifting, filled with scripture and has a message of encouragement to all who have been stolen from whether it be from divorce or any unfortunate circumstance in life. Her message is so uplifting, so encouraging, that the reader will be amazed and in awe as to how God is intimately involved in each of our lives. Truly, God will carry you through to restoration and redemption!

This book is recommended for anyone that loves a true story with a happy ending! May all the glory and honor be to God-who came and rescued a young, skinny girl from Nowhere, Louisiana and gave her life and life more abundantly! This is a testament to the Love of God and an irresistible love story to those that are lost. Thank you Samantha for writing a book that shared your life story that gives others hope when "hope" has been lost. You are an inspiration.

For more information about the author and her book, visit Samantha Ryan Chandler

A Love Story-How God Pursed Me and Found Me-An Impossibly True Story is available at Amazon in hardcover, paperback or Kindle

~ Christian Book Review Marketing, taking it to the next level.

In The Father's Lap by T.R. Lipscomb

"What shall we say to these things? If God is for us, who is against us? He who did not spare His own Son, but delivered Him up for us all, how will He not also with Him freely give us all things?" (Rom 8:31 & 32 NASB)

Doubt, pain, frustration, confusion, tears, a roller coaster of emotions; all have been my companion over the past few months. Reassurance, reminders, expressions of love, holding me close, peace where there is no peace; all have been The Father's response to my questions.

Yesterday's Daily Bread devotional was in Romans 8, my favorite NT chapter. When I checked my email and Facebook this morning I am again edified by the things I read. I am an emotional mess and He knows it. I need a daily reminder of His love for me and He is very much aware of it. I fight doubt as I recover from losing yet another house, fight fear as I face a mountain of debt and fight intense emotional pain as I face another Resurrection Day without my children. The loving Father that He is brings my attention back to Himself.

Over the past few days He has brought many reminders to me as I keep myself in a place where He feeds my spirit. He has good plans for my future (Jer. 29:11). He will restore the years the locusts have eaten (Joel 2:25). He has His Spirit interceding on my behalf with groaning too deep for words (Rom 8:26-27). He helps me to wait for Him, to keep His way (Ps 37:34).

How much longer must I wait for the promised restoration of what was taken from me? How much longer must I wait for the return of my prodigal children? How much longer must I wait for the promised Joy that comes in the Morning? I don't know, but I do know the God of the Impossible. I do know that He loves me. I am even more reminded of this as we have just celebrated the Holiest weekend of the year where we remember our Savior's death and resurrection. He is risen – so how could I continue to wallow in my pain and sorrow? He who spared not His son will also freely restore to me what I am waiting for, just as He restored Job when the fullness of time has come.

Visit Author T.R Lipscomb at her blog where you will find more great articles, writings and about her book, Dearest Children.
Author Article Blasts by CBM Christian Book Marketing

Christian Author Antionette Campbell

From a Legend and Kingdom of Darkness into Poems of Hope
Author Antionette Campbell
ISBN # 978-1615792900

"From a Legend and Kingdom of Darkness into Poems of Hope" by Author Antionette Campbell, comes an amazing true story of triumph over indescribable and horrific tragedy. Antionette Campbell's life was filled with abuse from a very young age. Then at the age of 11 she witnessed a heart wrenching crime perpetrated against her mother by her drunken father. In a rage, her father stabbed her mother 3 times in the head as she watched her mother lifeless and what seemed to be left for dead. Exasperating the event, her and the other siblings were put into foster care. Subsequently, as time approached Antionette was forced to testify against her own father.

As the author began to share her heart and trials, this brilliant combination of poetry and story was the outlet to her healing from the pit of despair that entrapped her most of her life. God's saving grace compelled her to fill the beautifully written pages in giving hope to the end to those that are wounded and broken spiritually.

Antionette Campbell has done various interviews and radio shows to include Joyce Bender on Disability Matters, Cornerstone Television Network, Word FM, Moms on a Mission to Stop Violence just to name a few. Also is a member and speaker for RAINN (Rape, Abuse, Incest, National Network). In going "On Tour" with her book has expanded in attending at the national events such as the 2011 International Christian Retail Show and 2011 Frankfurt International Book Fair.

Antionette Campbell declares the healing power of Christ. She states that it doesn't matter who you are, how deep you have fallen into despair or how tight the chains of bondage are around you, God's power will set you free. Transforming you from the inside into a new journey that's only found in Christ. The testimonials of this proof resonates continually through those letters she's received that have encountered and embraced the availability of God's hand in this book for us all.

Author Antionette Campbell is available for various speaking engagements to include youth camps, churches, schools and women conferences as well. She is open to both national and international engagements. Some of the proceeds will be allocated to the Washington City Mission.

Contact information for Antionette Campbell is: P.O.Box 4131, Washington, Pa. 15301 She can be reached by cell phone at 412.216.2806. Her email address is: poemsofhope@gmail.com.

You may also visit the authors website at http://www.antionettecampbell.com/ and you can find her book From a Legend and Kingdom of Darkness into Poems of Hope on Amazon in hardcover, paperback and Kindle Edition.
Author Article Blasts by CBM Christian Book Marketing

Secrets of the Christian/Judea religion

Title: Blessings of Knighthood
By: Author Brian D. Starr
ISBN # 978-1469137933
Review Date: February 23, 2012
Reviewed by CBM Christian Book Reviews
10.0 stars on a scale of 10.0 stars

"Blessings of Knighthood" by Author Brian Daniel Starr is an intricate and extensive educational book that divulges the secrets of the Christian/Judea religion that are not visible to the average Christian, who without a study of genealogy and knighthood, would have no knowledge of the subject. As the author states, "All the secrets of the known religion are no doubt in the Vatican and are known to different families and orders." This book will uncover the subject of Knighthood, Saints, genealogy of the ancient Israelite Priests and biblical figures while giving a comprehensive look at the nine most worthy warriors of times past from three eras: the Christian era, the Hebrew (Biblical) era and from three other cultures-Roman, Greek and Macedonian. This unique work is a valuable and highly informative read if one views history and genealogy, knighthood and sainthood in the right light, holding to the perception that these subjects play a very important part in our world, our history and our religions.

With careful observation and exhaustive research that is available in this modern day and would not be obtainable in the past as the author states, Brian Daniel Starr has left a legacy of genealogy going back to the mysteries of the Priest and the Knight, discussing the Crucifixion of the Lord, giving an overview of the branches of Jerusalem and the first century to the Five Generation Genesis of God to include the Davidic, Aaronic Levitical, the Gamalas and the Arimethia lineages. The author continues his research to traverse this wide span of knowledge into charts and graphs, giving the reader a visual to the diverse landscape of genealogy. The author also discusses the descendants of Mary, the daughters of Mary, the sons of Mary and gives a rather extensive roll call of the all the famous Saints of Old as named in the Bible such as Mary, Joseph and James.

Concisely, the book reveals the lineage of the High Priests of Israel to include the lives from Ahab and Jehokim and follows with the ancient lineage of biblical figures such as Sarah, Abraham and Solomon's marriage to the Queen of Egypt. This research also takes a look at some from the time of King David until the time of war of the Jews with Rome discussing how the Levitical line of Levi, the Israelite's descendants, married into the house of David. The author systematically weaves in lineage from the Israelite Levi and continues by discussing the Order of Knighthood. Additional Saints from early Christianity are also included, as well as the lineage in some Greek mythology and ancient figures such as Alexander the Great, Julius Caesar, and Sir Hector.

The author includes the apostle guardianship, the Law of the Lord, Law in the Knight and crimes and the prevention of them to include the blending of the religions Hebrew, Greek and Roman. This work is an exceptional research project that took many, many hours to complete. This read is a highly educational, thought provoking work, challenging the reader to unlock and know the secrets of histories past genealogy and lineage of the Christian/Judea religion.

For more information about Author Brian Starr, the book Blessings of Knighthood and other books by Author Brian Starr, visit Brian D. Starr. You can also order Blessings of Knighthood on Amazon.

Blessings of Knighthood by Brian D. Starr

10.0 stars on a scale of 10.0 stars
Christian Book Reviews by CBM Christian Book Reviews

A CBM Press Release - New Book Release by Author Charles Duane Henley

(A CBM Press Release January 3rd, 2012)

"Daydreams and Night Visions" by Author Charles Duane Henley

From author Charles Duane Henley comes his first release, "Daydreams and Night Visions" a unique and powerful collection of prophetic poems and parables intertwined with the author's personal amazing testimony. These Holy Spirit inspired writings will set your heart ablaze for Christ. Poignant and powerful these writings and poems cut to the heart and ignite passion in the soul for the One who is the lover of your soul, Jesus Christ. It is the author's intent and hope that all come to know the depth and width of the love of God and come to understand, in a deeper, more intimate and personal way what Christ did for mankind on the Cross of Calvary.

Experience the heart felt passion of this author who came from a life of sin, and as the Prodigal Son did, came running back into the arms of his loving Father in Heaven. Leaving a legacy of beautifully written and Holy Spirit inspired prophetic poems, the author's purpose and intent in penning this book is that anyone who reads this book will be inspired to make a choice for Christ. Knowing that time is short, and today is the day of salvation, the author wants everyone to know the freedom, love and forgiveness found in Jesus Christ and that there is nothing more important in this world than making sure that you don't spend an eternity without God.

The author candidly shares his life experience as a child once on fire for God, who ran astray as most people do. He found himself years later on a road called despair, which he has eloquently penned a poem of. All of the author's writings come from the inner heart and are vivid poems of his life, trials, tribulations, hopes and dreams. They display the absolute love and forgiveness found in the Lamb of God, Jesus Christ. All glory is given to his Father in Heaven as the author recounts some of his hardest times being imprisoned, bound physically in the flesh, but speaks of the joy and freedom he experiences in his spirit being taught and groomed by the Lord during this period.

Out of his "pit" experience comes a beautiful testimony to the love and grace of God. These poems are poignant, sometimes convicting and simple, yet scriptural and profound truths found in the Word of God. This book is a creative and truly inspiring life story that will open your eyes to the possibilities in Christ despite great adversities. This encouraging, faith filled invaluable book of prophetic poems is sure to ignite a passion in other's souls for a life with Christ.
For further information visit Author Charles Duane Henley's web site Daydreams and Night Visions.